Sunday, May 1, 2011

Download mp3 Mei - Juni 2011 Indian dan Indonesia Chart Hits

Sheila On 7 - Hujan Turun [download]    
Anggun - Only Love [download]

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Atlas of Clinical Avian Hematology


"Overall, this text offers a thorough but concise review of the avian hematologic system. The numerous glossy color photographs illustrate descriptions in the text well, and the index is easy to follow...the book's comprehensive review of all aspects of avian hematology, along with its dozens of clinically relevant, illustrative color photographs, makes it a terrific addition to any avian practitioner's library." (Vet Med Today, August 2010)
"A thorough but concise review of the avian hematologic system. The numerous glossy color photographs illustrate descriptions in the text well, and the index is easy to follow...The book’s comprehens

Clinical Cases in Avian and Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology


"The book covers a wide variety of species -- mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Each case includes a pertinent signalment and history, physical exam findings, hematological or cytological results and interpretation, and other appropriate diagnostic results that help readers form a complete picture of the case. The text is augmented by full-color pictures of blood smears and cytology specimens for each case. Of particular value in this book is the detailed history and signalment provided for each case. The book includes the final diagnosis in most cases and any follow-up that occurred. These features make this book an extremely practical resource for anyone seeing these patients.This is a well-written a

Essentials of Avian Medicine and Surgery


"Even though I have been practicing for several years, I found tips on diagnostics that I could immediately use at my practice. This book will make a nice addition to shelves, both for those who see birds infrequently and on a daily basis. It will be used often for drug dosages and disease rule-outs that you don't want to flip through larger textbooks to obtain. Many good facts are in a single location and can be easily accessed between appointments." - Exotic DVM Magazine
"Any veterinary student or general practitioner with an interest in avian medicine should place this book at the top of their shopping list."
Veterinary Record