Small Animal Surgery, 3rd Edition
Theresa W. Fossum
"The book itself is again a masterpiece for the veterinary surgeon with well explained text, drawings and tables. The use of different symbols and colours in the text makes things very clear.
I was please to see the more recent orthopaedic procedures such as TPLO, TWO and TTA for the repair of cranial cruciate ligaments being so well described. A lot of attention is also spent on analgesia, with clear tables and dosages being provided.
Regarding the e-dition or online: this is a great improvement! Excellent features include:
- good searching system, very fast
- good quality pictures (they can be stored)
- frequent updates (weekly)
- reference links to PubMed with access to the full-text articles
- videoclips (good quality images)
- aftercare instructions
- interactive fracture planner
- POCKETConsult TM for PDA
- case presentations
- and many other useful features
veterinary surgeons (those just staring as well as more experienced surgeons) who are really interested in what they are doing during surgery, should have this book in their library.
.It is worth every Euro!"
Reviewed by Johan van Tilburg DVM(B), for EJCAP, vol 17, October 2007
I was please to see the more recent orthopaedic procedures such as TPLO, TWO and TTA for the repair of cranial cruciate ligaments being so well described. A lot of attention is also spent on analgesia, with clear tables and dosages being provided.
Regarding the e-dition or online: this is a great improvement! Excellent features include:
- good searching system, very fast
- good quality pictures (they can be stored)
- frequent updates (weekly)
- reference links to PubMed with access to the full-text articles
- videoclips (good quality images)
- aftercare instructions
- interactive fracture planner
- POCKETConsult TM for PDA
- case presentations
- and many other useful features
veterinary surgeons (those just staring as well as more experienced surgeons) who are really interested in what they are doing during surgery, should have this book in their library.
.It is worth every Euro!"
Reviewed by Johan van Tilburg DVM(B), for EJCAP, vol 17, October 2007
Book Description
Continually updated online access to the most comprehensive guide to small animal surgical techniques and procedures
Product Details
- Hardcover: 1728 pages
- Publisher: Mosby; 3 edition (January 10, 2007)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 9780323044417
- ISBN-13: 978-0323044417
- ASIN: 0323044417
- Product Dimensions: 11.7 x 9.1 x 2.8 inches
- Shipping Weight: 9.8 pounds
400 Mb
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Salam Sukses!!! Viva Veteriner! Hidup Mahasiswa Kedokteran Hewan! Viva Dokter Hewan Indonesia!!
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