
Clear Sky is a prequel to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.
The player assumes the role of veteran Stalker Scar, who is injured and rendered unconscious by an energy emission while guiding a group of scientists through the Zone. Scar, the only one to survive, is then rescued by Clear Sky, a secret independent Zone faction dedicated to researching and learning about the Zone in their attempt to better understand it and its related phenomena. It is not known how Scar has survived the emission, but it is noted he has suffered damage to his central nervous system and seems to exhibit other, subtle physiological changes.
The nature of these changes becomes clear shortly. Word arrives that a platoon of Stalkers has come under attack by mutants, and Lebedev, leader of the Clear Sky faction, asks Scar to seek them out and help them. During the rescue attempt another emission occurs with little warning, giving Scar and the Stalkers no time to seek cover. Once again Scar is the sole survivor, recovering shortly after the emission dies down. Lebedev is amazed that Scar is still alive; the Clear Sky lead researcher, Chebekov, believes that Scar has acquired some "unusual ability" that allows him to navigate and survive anomalies and parts of the Zone that would normally kill any ordinary man.
Lebedev begins to theorize that the Zone is being disrupted by a dramatic increase in energy emissions, emanating from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the center of the Zone. The emissions are a sort of "immune response" to an outside force that the Zone perceives as a threat. Lebedev believes this outside force to be a group of Stalkers who are reportedly making an attempt to reach the center of the Zone, and have made it further than any other group of Stalkers before. Both Levedev and Chebekov fear that the Zone's reaction may cause untold destruction should the group succeed. Scar is asked to seek out this group and stop them at all costs.
Scar is sent to the Cordon, an area near the edge of the Zone, to get further information about the group of Stalkers. The trader Sidorovich is able to identify the four-member group of Stalkers as Fang, Ghost, Doc, and Strelok and gives Scar a lead on locating Fang. Scar follows this lead to another, and another, following a trail of leads to encounters with multiple factions of Stalkers across a large area of the Zone. Eventually Scar tracks the group's progress to Yantar, the site of a Brain Scorcher, where he learns from a scientist that Strelok has just recently obtained a prototype psionic shielding unit which should protect him from the mind-damaging effects of the Brain Scorcher surrounding the Chernobyl NPP.
Scar nearly catches Strelok in the Red Forest, only for him to escape into a tunnel leading towards Chernobyl, which is immediately collapsed behind him by an explosion. With the assistance of some recently rescued Mercenaries and the Clear Sky faction, Scar captures a nearby bridge to Limansk from Bandits, which provides an alternate route to Chernobyl. Progress through Limansk is impeded by Bandits, the Military, and the radical and heavily armed Monolith faction, who seek to kill anybody approaching the center of the Zone.
After proceeding through Limansk and finding an alternate route through the partially underground ruins of a hospital, Scar arrives at Chernobyl along with Lebedev and other members of Clear Sky. Strelok has already arrived and is progressing towards the sarcophagus surrounding the number four reactor. While Clear Sky battles with Monolith forces on the ground, Lebedev gives Scar a prototype "EM1 rifle", a long-range electromagnetic weapon, and instructs him to use the weapon to disable Strelok's psionic protection. Battling Monolith forces himself, Scar nonetheless is able to succeed. With the "threat" eliminated Lebedev anticipates a sudden settling of the Zone, but instead Zone activity increases dramatically and the plant releases an emission which incapacitates everyone in the immediate area.
The ending shows Strelok waking up in a dimly lit hallway lined with other Stalkers sitting slouched against either wall, semi-comatose. Each Stalker is facing a stripped down display which shows a series of crypic images, part of their brainwashing process. Strelok himself is also in the process of being brainwashed. The view then moves to focus on Strelok's exposed right arm, which has been tattooed with the acronym "S.T.A.L.K.E.R."
This game combines elements of survival horror (ammo scavenging, frightening atmosphere with powerful monsters), first-person shooters ("twitch-based" aiming, with a first person perspective), and RPGs (inventory management, quests, character interaction, armors and defense stats).
The most significant gameplay addition since Shadow of Chernobyl is the faction wars system. Different factions will struggle for territory, attacking to gain territory and then defending to keep it, while others then try to retake it. The player will be able to join and help factions in their battles. The stronger a faction becomes, the better equipment the traders can provide and their soldiers can use. The player character is a mercenary, and may do missions for any faction, or remain completely neutral, without consequence. Each of the main factions provide services, most importantly access to a trader and an engineer.
While Scar is always aligned with Clear Sky, and his ultimate goal is to defeat Strelok, he can fight against or ally with the four other factions in the Zone (Loners, Duty, Freedom and Bandits). The Swamp-dwelling Renegade or the Military factions cannot be joined. Careful choice of faction alignment needs to be considered in some parts of the story, for it may be difficult to progress further if the Stalker the player is interacting with is hostile, has needed information or is essential to triggering the next stage.
Other gameplay advancements since the first game include a deepened weapon customization system with the ability to repair damaged gear. Anomalies are harder to notice and now contain the artifacts in the game, which require a detector to locate. NPCs are given the ability to use hand grenades, take cover dynamically and use "blind-fire" techniques. Light machine guns have been introduced. There are NPC guides in the zone that will provide fast-travel for a fee. Emissions occur on an infrequent basis, requiring the player to take cover in a building pointed out by the PDA. If not adequately concealed, the player can die.
Within the zone are a number of factions with different goals and views about the zone ranging from government forces to clans of stalkers living off the zone.
Army: The Ukrainian Army is keeping the Zone unreachable from outside contact. They are well-armed and present a major threat when you enter their area of control in the Cordon. The Army was not always at war with the Loner groups. In fact, they used to work with the stalkers, making profits while the Loners made theirs. However, the Army sold out the Loners to the Bandits. Encounters with the Army are rare, but without the proper equipment you may die within seconds. Regardless of your actions, they cannot be joined.
Clear Sky: Clear Sky is a faction which has dedicated themselves to researching the Zone. They are lightly armed, low in manpower, and isolated in the Swamps. Most of their manpower comes from wandering stalkers who are found in danger or in need of help by some of the main members of Clear Sky. These stalkers, appreciating the help of Clear Sky, join the faction, and some leave after paying their debt to Clear Sky. Though the player may align with another faction, the player will always receive objects from Clear Sky that serve to advance the story. Though at first Clear Sky may seem weak with their members wielding below-average weaponry, such as hunting rifles and pistols, they are quite powerful when mobilized into action, wielding deadly assault rifles, such is seen when they assault the city of Limansk.
Renegade: The Renegades are an elite group of bandits that were not shown in STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. They raided the Zone from the North-West and captured Limansk, isolating themselves within the area. In Clear Sky, they try to gain control of the Swamps, which consequently causes them to fight Clear Sky members. They are the first faction you fight, weak and easily beaten. They cannot be joined.
Loners: Loners are rookie or free stalkers, who are not interested in other factions' goals. They seek personal profit among the riches of the Zone. Almost all of the other major factions get their manpower from this group, which is the largest in the zone. Those who have trained and suffered enough of the Zone's dangers may be accepted by other factions. When this faction was introduced in STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl, it showed that there were stalkers who had no affiliations to other groups. Most Loners are in small groups and are armed with dated weaponry, but some like Father Valerian's group in the Cordon (the Loner base of operations), are looking for greater treasure by cooperating with the Army.
Bandits: Bandits are a large unorganized group of robbers and murderers. They capture and rob wandering stalkers and they are always hostile to the other factions. Any stalker who kills another stalker, or robs him of his belongings is a Bandit. Bandits claim that they enforce the law around the Garbage area, a large field where countless numbers of irradiated objects are dumped into. In this field Loners, known as Diggers, come here to make a small living by salvaging usable materials. Often times, the Bandits raid Loner-held locations such as the Flea Market. They have a seemingly replenishable source of men to fight. Bandits rove in patrols and steal all a stalker's equipment save for their pistol, knife, and basic armor.
Duty: Duty is a group of former soldiers that were sent in to take control of the Chernobyl NPP. They were abandoned after encountering the horrors of the Zone and left to die. The stranded army soldiers then formed Duty under the reign of General Krylov. Being the most organized and fundamental group in the Zone, they are trying to prevent the Zone from spreading, and waging a Crusades-style war against mutants. They also train, accomplish day and night watch duties, patrol their territory, and research the Zone, trying to learn new ways to eliminate it. Duty is rumored to be allies with the Spetsnaz as some of them were seen conversing with some Spetsnatz operatives. This is due to the fact that General Krylov has connections with Spetsnaz troops. However, most Spetsnaz members are still hostile towards Duty since Krylov holds a deep-seated hatred towards the military after being left to die. Duty's arsenal is mostly comprised of ex-Soviet and Russian weapons such as the AK-74 or the OTs-14 Groza. Duty is based in an abandoned research complex called the Agroprom research Institute, where they discover some former C-consciousness "experiments" (one of which you will face later on). They also are dealing with a current mutant crisis as they unleashed a tunnel full of them when they set off some C4 charges.
Freedom: Originally, the founder of this faction and the founder of Duty's faction were friends, but their vision for the future of the Zone greatly differed, leading them and their followers to wage war against each other. While Duty restricts the Zone from the outsiders, Freedom aims for the opposite; Freedom wishes the outer world to be allowed freely into the Zone, stating that the Zone is a gift to humanity and could be the key to unlock secrets that could revolutionize and solve the problems of mankind by using artifacts. They also believe in studying the zone. Because of this they are commonly called Anarchists by Duty and much of the other factions of the Zone. Freedom isn't well organized; they allow members to use their skills to find a niche and do as they wish. The majority of Freedom's arsenal is a combination of NATO, Western and Soviet weapons, though they generally use NATO and Western armaments such as the SIG SG 550 or the SA80. Freedom is based in a factory complex in the Dark Valley.
Mercenaries: The mercenaries are an elite armed force hired by unknown customers, rumored to be the grunts of the other Western European countries. Some say that they were sent by the Western European nations to better understand the Zone. Others say this faction is a secret Russian military group, disguised in Western-based equipment, sent to stop the independent research and military groups in the Zone. In any case, there is never enough information given to be certain about who the mercenaries are, apart from being hired guns to do the dirty work of their customers. Mercenaries are mostly neutral to all factions unless they are hired to combat a specific faction. One example is the conflict between mercenaries and Freedom in the Dark Valley. The mercenaries are far less powerful in manpower when compared to their state in Shadow of Chernobyl and can be eliminated with a single mission.
Monolith: The Monolith is a mysterious and unknown faction of stalkers. From PDA records and logs, their intent would be to protect the NPP and the Wish Granter, which they seemingly revere. They are rumored to be brain-washed stalkers who ventured too close to the C-Consciousness, which then converted them to fanatical soldiers with one goal; to protect the hive mind deep in the Chernobyl NPP.
Military Stalkers: The military stalkers are a secretive group of soldiers tasked with protecting officials in the Zone. They do not appear in the game and only make a brief cameo appearance in the ending scene of Shadow of Chernobyl. They use deadly, silenced sniper rifles.
System Requiretment
Microsoft Windows
* Microsoft Windows Vista / Windows XP(Service Pack 2) / Windows 2000 SP4;
* Intel Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz / AMD XP 2200+, 512 MB RAM; 10 GB free hard disc space;
* 128 MB DirectX 8.0 compatible card / nVIDIA GeForce 5700 / ATI Radeon 9600;
* DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card; LAN/Internet/Cable/DSL for Internet games
Download Link
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
awwwwwwwsome , thank you
ReplyDeletesip,,, bisa kan???
ReplyDeletepassword rar nya apa gan?
ReplyDeleteudah kebelet mau main nih...
yoi gan minta password buat buka rar nya.
ReplyDeletekirim k email ane aje gan.
pass: indowebster4ever
ReplyDeletehard but cool game
ReplyDeletegan pakek windows 7 emang gak bisa ya..
ReplyDeletepa emang butuh cracknya...
Kalo ada Sn dan cracknya, tolong kirim ke email ya sob..